Aces is a webcomic by Lissie Dixon, which is being rebooted currently. This is the archive for the original version that was shared in 2016-2017. The entire first issue of this edition was completed, but abandoned for a new version.
Feel free to read it in all its amateur glory! :P
Feel free to read it in all its amateur glory! :P
To navigate the webcomic, you can either click the arrows that appear on the sides of the images themselves, or you can click the numbers here to go to each page. The numbers will not line up to the page numbers due to the cover being the first page, as well as the Special Thanks page being there, so please keep that in mind. Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, or you find a grammar issue or typo, be sure to either send them to me through the Contact Tab, or through email! < [email protected] >
These teens all have one common factor: A gangster named Rowan Crowwe. He's taken Clay's parents
away from him, separated Quentin from his family, and ordered Suzannia to be kidnapped. Why?
Well, you'll just have to read it as it comes out to learn that secret.
away from him, separated Quentin from his family, and ordered Suzannia to be kidnapped. Why?
Well, you'll just have to read it as it comes out to learn that secret.
More character profiles/quick facts coming soon!