Well. It's been awhile. And you may be thinking, "Does this mean godsentcomics.weebly.com is finally being revitalized?!" The short answer: No. Because a new and improved and TOTALLY DIFFERENT website is coming soon(ish)!
I've said a handful of places that I was working on the new website, but that was about a year ago. Unfortunately, the current website's hosting doesn't work for my needs anymore, and it makes more sense for me to build a new site from scratch when we move. Building the new site has been more of an undertaking than I expected, and it's unfortunately been on the back burner for quite awhile. Working on remedying that. In the meantime however, some other updates! If you follow me elsewhere, you're probably already tired of hearing about my new Gumroad store. It's one of the main things I've focused on as of late, and I'm quite happy with the offerings on it. There are digital PDF editions of my comics and whatnot on there, plus other stuff. Also, in the time I haven't updated my blog, my Patreon both hit its heyday and unceremoniously fell out of it. I'll be closing my Patreon soon. My Ko-fi is still alive and kicking! Ironically as I'm writing a post about why I'm discontinuing this site, it caused my web browser to crash. That's another reason I'm moving hosts. I'll try to post on here again when the new site is public, but until then it'll probably be pretty quiet on here! All the best, -Lissie Dixon
LissieThis is just a little blog for me to update you guys about content, if something big happens, or just to jabber a bit. More or less just the Blog of Randomness! Enjoy! If you'd like to support my work monetarily, I have a Ko-Fi! Just click the Buy Me a Coffee button below ♥
No obligation though, my loves! My work will be free as long as I can make it so. 'u' Do you love horses? If so, I know the perfect website for you to check out! Hoofbeats for Him: A Spirit of Hope is a wonderful site that features two blogs by two lovely young ladies, as well as nature/animal photography, creative writing, horse information and oogling (Naturally!) and above all, a focus on God. ♥
August 2020
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