I hope yours was wonderful, and that you spent it with your family. I had a good day, and I spent this evening watching Star Wars: Episode I with my dad. I enjoyed that quite a bit. Speaking of movies, I saw Moana yesterday! It was a good movie! It centered mostly around Polynesian mythology and whatnot, so it was kinda like...like Disney's Hercules, though not as deity-focused, I would say. Overall though, good movie.
You may have noticed there was no new art tutorial this Wednesday, nor was there a new WGN today. That is due to spending time with my family--enjoying the holiday, you know? But never fear! The tutorials will be back in swing this Saturday, and a new (Completed) WGN will be out next Thursday! I still need to update the last page of WGN, actually...but I've been mondo busy, so...sorry! Heh. I wanted to tell you guys about something before I close here. I mentioned that I did not have a full version of Photoshop, yes? Well, PS Elements was becoming a bit...stifling. However, something nice happened! I was watching some videos from an artist named Sara Tepes, who is a fabulous digital painter. She did a video about the software she uses on her computer. It's called Krita, and is a free program made for and by artists. I looked into it and wound up downloading it, and though I'm still in the adjustment period, I'm rather enjoying it. It works perfectly for what I'm doing, and I'm very happy to have it. If you're looking for a digital coloring/painting program, I'd give Krita a look. So that's it for now! See you all soon. -Lissie Dixon ♠
Well, that's a fascinating question! Answer: Literally the exact same place I have been these past couple weeks. Just busier doing other things. I've been working on--are you ready for this?--A Facebook page for the website! I'm still working on getting it a username, which will enable me to share the Facebook page easily on here, but yeah! Unfortunately, for now I can only tell you...if you're looking for it through a Google search, you're not gonna find it. Use the Facebook search and select the Godsent Comics page that has the Aces A/♠ logo for the profile picture. The other Godsent Comics (That says it's an Edwardsville, IL business) isn't actually a page, and it's not mine. I think Facebook auto-generated it when I created my page, which is...interesting.
Anyway, on to a few quick updates! Next week is rather exciting--Thanksgiving! In order to enjoy the time with my family, I'm going to be taking that Thursday off from Wizard's Game Night. I hope you guys will enjoy a blessed day with your families, too! This Saturday is going to mark the release of the last tutorial in the Face Basics: Female set! Next up is going to be Face Basics: Male! I think I'll still be releasing two tutorials a week (One on Wednesday, one on Saturday), so keep coming back for them! I've had a really busy week, so I'm still working on this week's WGN. I realized recently that it actually makes sense that I almost always release them in the evening. Wizard's Game Night, you know? Suddenly I don't feel as bad about being late every. Single. Week. November's art project has been...kind of sidelined, sadly. I'm still working to improve on the planned subjects, but I just don't have as much time as I thought I would...My days are literally spent like this: Wake up kind of late, eat some food, check my email inbox(es), either go outside or start drawing, wander around the house for about half an hour, then do variables of watch an episode or two of a TV show, draw some more, or read. Or cook/eat. Yeah. I'm really not getting that much done, and I actually have a ton of time. You know what I need? A schedule. A really good schedule. I need to be done with each weeks' WGN at least a few days--preferably a week--before its release date, but I seem to lack time and motivation to draw it up until a couple days before--sometimes I don't even start until the release day. I need to stop doing that and just tell myself it's for you guys! (Hey, self, it's for them! Not for you! But it's also for you 'cause you enjoy it) I need to stop lollygagging and get movin'! Which means...I need to stop rambling about doing it and actually go do it. ...But first, lemme go make some food. -Lissie Dixon ♠ P.S. OKAY! FINE! I'll work while I'm cooking and waiting for stuff to boil! I get it! Eesh, you guys are so bossy... ...kidding. I'm just being weird. But I really will work while I cook. If you haven't seen the new drop down under Artwork, it's Tutorials! I decided they would be a pretty good thing to add to the site. You can go to the main Artwork area to request new tutorials, too. Either choose a predefined one, or submit a new one!
Right now I'm flipping back and forth from writing the blog post and editing the site to coloring a commission. I should've had this thing done like, a week ago, but I've been swamped with other stuff. The commission should have taken priority though! Aii. This next week I'll be uploading some of this month's practice sketches and whatnot. They aren't perfect, but I hope get something out of lookin' at them. And so...I think that's all! Gosh, I have so much going on right now, both on the site and off. Pretty crazy. Have a good one! -Lissie Dixon ♠ |
LissieThis is just a little blog for me to update you guys about content, if something big happens, or just to jabber a bit. More or less just the Blog of Randomness! Enjoy! If you'd like to support my work monetarily, I have a Ko-Fi! Just click the Buy Me a Coffee button below ♥
No obligation though, my loves! My work will be free as long as I can make it so. 'u' Do you love horses? If so, I know the perfect website for you to check out! Hoofbeats for Him: A Spirit of Hope is a wonderful site that features two blogs by two lovely young ladies, as well as nature/animal photography, creative writing, horse information and oogling (Naturally!) and above all, a focus on God. ♥
August 2020
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