I hope you all had a wonderful couple of holidays there, and I also hope you don't mind my missing even more updates for the tutorials. December just went out of control for me, and I just couldn't handle updating the site in the middle of the craziness. I'll try and at least get one tutorial up this Saturday, you know, when I'm posting Aces? I'm very excited about that, by the way! I think I've pretty much got the page ready, just some minor stuff that needs done...but now I need to get the cover 100% completed. I forgot about that, I'll be honest. I hope I can get everything ready in time still...haha. It's crunch time, so I'll be trying my best at least!
I was unfortunately sick immediately after Christmas, and I am only just now (mostly) better. Still coughing a bit and I sound quite congested, but I'm feeling well. That really hindered my progress I was supposed to get after Christmas. I should get off of here and get back to work, actually. See you all later, and look forward to more constant updates from here on out! -Lissie Dixon ♠
1 Comment
1/5/2017 07:20:23 am
I'm so psyched for the release of Aces!!! Keep up the good work.
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LissieThis is just a little blog for me to update you guys about content, if something big happens, or just to jabber a bit. More or less just the Blog of Randomness! Enjoy! If you'd like to support my work monetarily, I have a Ko-Fi! Just click the Buy Me a Coffee button below ♥
No obligation though, my loves! My work will be free as long as I can make it so. 'u' Do you love horses? If so, I know the perfect website for you to check out! Hoofbeats for Him: A Spirit of Hope is a wonderful site that features two blogs by two lovely young ladies, as well as nature/animal photography, creative writing, horse information and oogling (Naturally!) and above all, a focus on God. ♥
August 2020
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