The homepage recently got a tangerine background (Which I drew myself), as you might have noticed. I'm trying to get into the spirit for the upcoming project of Tangerine Target, which is majorly fruit themed. I'm so excited to get started, so I'm really pushing to get Aces #1 finished. I keep finding myself looking at the TT concept art instead of working on Aces though, which is ceaselessly annoying to me. I want to focus on Aces, but how can I with a glorious new concept lying there? Anyway, I almost have four pages recolored completely. I plan on relettering them as soon as I can and doing the new dialogue. I've been so busy lately...if I hadn't been I probably would be almost done with recoloring Aces. c:,' Ah well. I'm getting there at least. I'm hoping to be going on Tangerine Target by August--I might just take July for finishing Aces #1 up and doing the final touches on the TT story planning. I'm sure I'll probably cave and get started on it before August though, haha! Ah well.
I'll be trying to put up some of the Tangerine Target concept art soon--I meant to do that sooner, but I got sidetracked with life. I'm excited to share what I've got. Also, I'm looking for someone to help me with Tangerine Target. Not with the art or anything--I'm gonna try and handle that all myself--but I'd like someone who could read over parts as I get them done and tell me if I need to change things. One idea is to wait until I've got it all done and then have someone brutally edit it before final publishing. ^-^;; Anyway, I'm going to keep trying to find someone for a while. Multiple people would be good too. One thing about TT is that I'm NOT going to be doing a comprehensive script beforehand, like I am with Gloria and Tumble. I want TT to feel natural, and I feel like when I script every little thing, it loses that organic touch. Sure, I'll edit it and all, and I'll try to rein it in, definitely, but I feel like my writing gets better when I just kinda zone out, scribble down what I feel like the story needs, then tweak it afterwards. I'd like an editor to help me with the latter part and making sure the comic flows right. Anyways, that's all for now! Talk to you soon! ♥ -Lissie Dixon ♠
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LissieThis is just a little blog for me to update you guys about content, if something big happens, or just to jabber a bit. More or less just the Blog of Randomness! Enjoy! If you'd like to support my work monetarily, I have a Ko-Fi! Just click the Buy Me a Coffee button below ♥
No obligation though, my loves! My work will be free as long as I can make it so. 'u' Do you love horses? If so, I know the perfect website for you to check out! Hoofbeats for Him: A Spirit of Hope is a wonderful site that features two blogs by two lovely young ladies, as well as nature/animal photography, creative writing, horse information and oogling (Naturally!) and above all, a focus on God. ♥
August 2020
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